On a happier note, today is Mr. Sass's 32nd Birthday. I just have to say he is the best. Aside from taking care of me for the past 2 days, doing all the laundry, cooking and keeping up with Little Red, he is my best friend and the most wonderful father ever. I am hoping he won't mind delaying his celebration until this weekend when I am feeling better.
Honey, I love you and appreciate you more than you know!

By the way, I will always be younger than you!
Go Mr. Sass! You are a rock star! You get 25 cool points from me!
Glad to have you back! Those party animals sure showed them how to handle business this weekend.
Mr. Sass is a keeper. You are a lucky lady to have a man who can do the worm and finish it up with a double back spin all while wearing a suit.
I love you both!
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